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Project Closed - Software

Local Environmental Analysis (LEA)

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The software uses data extracted from the MUD forms and territorial data from the provinces of Lucca, Prato and Pistoia. It allows the users to evaluate the potential for reutilizing the wastes produced by the companies in each sector under consideration in place of specific raw materials obtained from other sectors. The data base contains the data from the environmental statement of the companies as contained in the section concerning special wastes (RIF on the MUD form). Therefore, urban and similar wastes that are collected and treated by the municipal sanitation departments are not included. The environmental statement data refer to individual local units (plants). In the data base this information is aggregated at the municipal level by type of business and type of waste, using the ISTAT codes for locations and businesses and the CER waste codes given in the MUD forms. In practice the amounts of waste relative to a single waste code and reported by the local plants belonging to the same business sector and same municipality are tallied in a single record in the data base.

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